Cathryn Peters

Hudson, WI, United States

Apr 12 at 09:24 PM

Karen berg have you gotten the email with the replay from the Monday meeting? I have not. 

Apr 12 at 09:23 PM

Well, that's really weird, isn't it SusanClaire? No, I'm not going to H&H, sorry. 

Apr 12 at 09:22 PM

Karen berg Good thought Karen, but I'm getting everything else, just not the notices of the Maker's meetings. For example, I just got the email about this comment you made in the community. 

Apr 11 at 08:24 AM

Where can we find the replays in case we missed the maker's meetings?

Apr 08 at 09:38 AM

I really enjoyed learning more about this maker friend. So interesting to watch you work your magic! 😍


Apr 08 at 09:16 AM

I am still not getting these notices by email, aren't we as makers supposed to get email notifications of the Maker's meetings?


Feb 01 at 07:19 PM

I'm so happy to be a maker in this wonderful community of very talented, warm and welcoming artists, makers and soon to be friends!  Love the look and feel of the new site, too.